The Meaning Behind the Motto
Sanguinem Sudorem et Cervisiae – (Latin) Blood, Sweat and Beers
We are Dallas Beer Guardians. We are more than a supporters group; we are family – Beer Family. We bleed for our club, FC Dallas, and each other. We drink to honor our players (past and present), our club and one another.
Through victory or defeat, we are there early and leave our voices in the stadium after. We are on our feet for the full 90 minutes, celebrating the highs and singing away the lows how it should be: as one voice. Though Texas weather can be wildly unpredictable, we are not in the fact that you can consistently find us singing and chanting through every home game in the Beer Garden (probably sun burnt, sweating, freezing or a combination of the three).
Join us by becoming a Dallas Beer Guardian, and help us grow the Beautiful Game for FC Dallas!
The Dallas Beer Guardians started with a flag. It was found lying on the ground in a supporters section after an FCD victory, lost amongst the celebration. It was dirty, muddy, wet, and in need of saving. After being cleaned and restored to full color, that flag was given a second life by hanging and waiving proudly in the Beer Garden. A few games worth of beer and a dimly lit idea later… the Dallas Beer Guardians were born!
The DBG received much praise for reviving the supporters atmosphere in the Beer Garden from both fans and the front office. However, the original name (FCDrunk) created a few problems. During the off-season between 2011 and 2012, the group rebranded itself as the Dallas Beer Guardians, a re-birth of the original Beer Garden group.
During the 2012 season, the DBG saw growth no one expected… and that number keeps rising. Clubs around the league have taken notice, and that was just the beginning! The Dallas Beer Guardians continue to build upon traditions and legacy, as well as inject their own flair upon supporters culture. If you love soccer and FC Dallas, join us in the Beer Garden and experience an atmosphere you won’t find anywhere else in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex!